Memorial plate of the Jewish congress

“Unhealed Breach” or a Good Divorce?

The Hungarian Jewish Congress (1868-69)
and the “Schism” in Historical Perspective

Budapest, 5 and 6 February 2019

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Minority Studies and
ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Assyriology and Hebrew Studies

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Minority Studies

ELTE Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem 

Call for papers Dates and
Submission Programme Contact
and location

Call for papers

The organizers are pleased to announce a conference to mark the 150th anniversary of the Jewish Congress in Hungary (1868-69). We welcome innovative scholarly contributions that examine little studied aspects of the Congress, its antecedents and its aftermath. We encourage the exploration of unknown or under-examined sources1 on topics including, but not restricted to:

  • Jewish historical context of the Congress on the local community level (election of Congress representatives; conflicts and debates concerning the affiliation of the communities in the post-Congress period)
  • The Congress in the context of religious policies of the state
  • Significant participants of the Congress, in the context of their pre-Congress and post-Congress careers
  • Reception and impact of the Congress and the "schism" outside Hungary (Eastern Europe, outside Europe)
  • Propaganda, campaigning, and folklore, related to the Congress
  • Reunification efforts

Presentations will be in English or (in exceptional cases) in Hungarian and should not exceed 20 minutes. Written proposals should be between 400-600 words, specifying the source materials utilized. The abstracts can be submitted using this web form.

Accommodation costs of accepted presenters from outside Budapest related to the participation at the conference are expected to be covered by the organizers.

Deadline for the submission of proposals is September 30, 2018. Participants will be notified of acceptance no later than October 31, 2018.

1 Cf. the bibliography of sources on the Congress, compiled by N. Katzburg, ,הקונגרס היהודי באונגאריה בשנת תרכ"ט: רשימה של המקורות Areshet 4 (1965/66), pp. 322–367. Download.